Ultimate Pigeon Post

Ludum Dare 53 (48h) - Theme : Delivery

My submission for the Ludum Dare 53 Game Jam. I had 48h to make this game from scratch.

Key points

  • Unity
  • Game Jam
  • Made in 48h
  • Action - Platformer
Game Jam page Play the game

Theme : Delivery

I find this theme uninspiring, as every single game in existance could be about delivering something with a few added lines of dialogs. Thus I chose to make a simple action platformer, but going a bit over the top. I used a pigeon as my character, since they have a history of delivering things. The enemies would be the enemies of a pigeon, cats and eagles. I made sure to give a postal bag to the pigeon, and leving a trail of mail behind to really lean in the theme.


Art Style

I've been working with 3D for my last games, so I chose to go with 2D pixel art for this one. Pixel art also makes a lot of sense when going for an over the top game, it's fairly easy to make exagerated animations and effects in this style. The on hit flash effect is made using a custom sprite shader that goes white for a short while. The background trees are made using a vertically repeating sprite, the scale down and lerp toward a darker, uniform color the farther in the background it is.



I made a few different skills that offer different movement options. They are all usefull for movement and damages at the same time, inspired by Smash. I chose to keep things simple, both to make and to play: Enemies and player die in one hit.

To introduce the different skills, I made one level to teach one skill at a time. It's an easy way to design a few levels, it makes the game easy to learn and it makes new levels exciting to discover, instead of being more of the same.

Level editor

