Torture For A Living

Ludum Dare 44 Compo (48h) - Theme : Your life is currency

My submission for the Ludum Dare 44 Compo. I had 48h to make this game.

Key points

  • Unity
  • Game Jam
  • Made in 48h
Game Jam page Play the game

Torture for a living gameplay

Theme : Your life is currency

I had only one day available to work on this Ludum Dare, so I chose to make a quite simple game gameplay-wise, so I could still make a fairly finished and polished game.

My take of the theme was to have a guy making money with the life of other, so torture. I went for a kind of of Reign-like game, where you can choose between two actions. The goal being to make as much damages to the tortured dude in 30 secondes. Some moves hurt, some moves heal and some do nothing.

I focused mainly on the animations and the mood. I wanted the moves to feel very good, even tho some are really violent. Additionally, I wanted the mood to be tense and disturbing, so I chose to not have any music (I can't make music anyway) and only have some heavy/scared breathing.

Torture for a living gameplay


The game went 238th overall (721 entries in compo), with 84th in innovation, 99th in humor and 188th in fun. That was a bit of a weird game, so I'm glad it still scored pretty good.


238 / 721


188 / 721


84 / 721


294 / 721


227 / 721


221 / 721


99 / 721


265 / 721