Pure Magie

Pot-Au-Jeu 2.0 (60) - Theme : Métamorphose

My submission for the Pot-Au-Jeu 2.0. I had 60h to make this game. I made a cute game with unique, mouse based gameplay. in game

Key points

  • Unity
  • Game Jam
  • Made in 60h
Game Jam page Play the game

Theme : Métamorphose (Metamorphosis)

The theme made me think of butterflies for some reasons, so I decided to make a game where a ton of butterflies would spawn and fly away, with maybe a cute little girl chasing them. At first I was thinking of a walking simulator. Instead I chose to make that the little girl is trying to use magic to spawn butterflies, but since she is too young it's up to the player to do the magic.

The goal is to follow along what the little girl is trying to do. So you have to spawn butterflies when and where she wants them.

For this jam I tried to make my game a little bit more complete than my previous jams. I usually don't bother with a menu or a tutorial and go right to the core of the game, this time howerver I made a full 5 min game and not a proof of concept. I also split my time pretty much equally between coding, game design and visuals.

Pure Magie Screenshot


The game ranked #45/145 overall (#34 in graphism, #47 in gameplay and #48 in theme). It's a decent rank since I worked alone even tho you could team up with up to 3 people. However, a lot of people left comments saying they did not understand how to clear levels. By watching a streamer testing the game, I noticed that the first levels (the tutorial) can actually make the player believe that he has to clear every last pixels of worms, when it reality it just doesn't matter. The tutorial lacks a simple line of dialogue to explain that it's about quantity, not about cleaning the whole of worms down to the last pixel. I believe it did hurt the gameplay and overall rating a lot (since the game looks buggeg or way to hard, not pleasant to play, and they couldn't even access the fun and challenging levels at the end). I added the missing part of the tutorial after the game jam, so I'm now fully happy with this game.