Potion Trouble

Ludum Dare 49 Compo (48h) - Theme : Unstable

I had 48h to make this game. I wanted to make a fun, cute and fast paced game this time around. I went something inspired by Overcooked.

Key points

  • Unity
  • Game Jam
  • Made in 48h
  • Action
Game Jam page Play the game

Theme : Unstable

I expected people to make game about "not falling", so I went a complete different way. I took the theme as "do not explode". This lead me to the idea of a potion. The player would have to grab ingredients fast, ala Overcooked, to prevent the potion from exploding.



To add a bit of depth to the game, I tried to make each ingredient work a different way. This would make so that the player doesn't just run from one to another randomly, but have a think about which one to take first and what to do with it. For example the mushrooms make you jump high, so that you can take a shortcut around the map.

From there, I also wanted to somehow let the player use the "wrong" ingredients sometimes, if they feel like it's the better choice to make. It does still give the player a penalty to pick the wrong ingredient, but since the effect of an ingredient can be quite usefull, it's sometimes better to use it anyway, but the player cannot pick anything they comes accross randomly.

Level editor


The game scored 115th overall (2939 entries - 735 Compo). It has amazing rankings in Graphics (15th) and Audio (22nd). I did spend most of the time on the graphics and audio on this game, as the programming was pretty simple, so it's nice to get it rewarded. I tried something more classic-fun for this game than I'm used to, I'm glad it turned out really well, it's simple but fun sweet game.


115 / 735


132 / 735


337 / 735


221 / 735


15 / 735


22 / 735


136 / 1383