Penguins Panic

Extra Credits Game Jam #6 (72h) - Theme : Take care + Social distancing

My submission for the Extra Credits Game Jam #6. I had 72h to make this game. I thought of a mechanic where you would have to space penguins correctly in between them so they don't get too cold or too hot.

in game

Key points

  • Unity
  • Game Jam
  • Made in 72h
Game Jam page Play the game

Theme : Take Care

This jam had an extra challenge with an additionnal theme "Social Distancing". I immediatly tought of a group a penguins, that have to get close to each others to produce heat. By adding the possibility that they could get too hot and have to be spread apart from each other, I created a mechanic that kind of feet both themes. I went for the simplest implementation, being that the player can pick up a penguin and drags it wherever they wants.

To force the player to constantly move penguins around, I made the ambiant temperature change over time. This makes that the penguins aren't always confortable at the same distance. In addition, the ice moves and force the player to use difference spaces.

in game


This game raised a bunch of interesting challenges. First the ice had to move or evolve, I used marching cubes to do this. Then I had a lot of shader works to create good looking ice and water. Finally I had to figure a way to compute the temperature of each penguin. I ended up placing them in a grid and counting how many penguins were in the same cell and/or in neighbour cells. I was a bit late on the polish so it couldn't do everything I wanted, but I managed to get the ice and water to look very good.