Life On Mars

Ludum Dare 46 Compo (48h) - Theme : Keep It Alive

My submission for the Ludum Dare 46 Compo. I had 48h to make this game. I tried a mix between 2D and 3D, with an emphasis on audio for once.

Key points

  • Unity
  • Game Jam
  • Made in 48h
Game Jam page Play the game

Theme : Keep it alive

This game is a kind of an infiltration game, a little bit comtemplative and story driven.

I was mostly worried about the environment and the scanning effect. I started by making the robot model, a perlin noise based ground and 4 rocks that would scale and rotate randomly, all this rendered with a toon shader. For the scan effect I initaly wanted to do something in post process using the stencil buffer, but as it started taking too much time I went for projectors instead, which ended up ok.

This time I saved a few hours for the sound. I made all the alien and rover sounds by mouth. The voice over has multiple roles : filling up waiting time when the player waits for the rover to break down, helping the player understand what's happening and why by commenting it, and most importantly making the world of the game more believable so the player is more invested in the game.

LifeOnMars Gameplay


The game scored 63rd overall (4959 entries - 1383 Compo). It did well in many categories, especially innovation (64th) and humor (36th). Weirdly enough it scored poorly in theme (323rd), I expected it to be one of the strengh of the game. I'm very happy with this result, the game plays the way I imagined it would, and it feels very complete. People really liked the audio and the mix of 2D and 3D in graphics, so that's two thing that I can keep in mind for other projects.


63 / 1383


118 / 1383


64 / 1383


323 / 1383


149 / 1383


127 / 1383


36 / 1383


162 / 1383