Hololens Manager

The goal of this application is to help managing multiple Hololens devices being used at once. It makes it easier to know which Hololens user may be stuck at some point in an application and requiere assistance, which Hololens are in use and other usefull informations.

Key points

  • Client-Server
  • Hololens

Client - Server

The Hololens Manager acts as a server for all the other devices. It has to be running on a fixed ip adress, so we use a simple router and give the server device a fixed ip.

To make the devices able to connect and communicate with the manager, we have to include a simple script in the app in unity, and then connect the device to the router. Since the server is always at the same ip, all the hololens can find it easely no matter the app it's running or the version.

BQA Caspule


On the main page, you can see which Hololens are connected, their name of the Hololens and their battery level. The green progress bar is the progression of the user in the app. Is he watching the introduction, or is he nearly at the end ? This has to be set up for each app during the development, but it takes only a few minutes. On the detail page of an hololens, the user can send a screenshot request to this Hololens. The Hololens will pick a photo using its camera, then "paint" the holograms on it and then send the picture to the server.

BQA Caspule