
A mobile game that used to be available on the Google Play Store. I made this game to have fun with Boids.

Key points

  • Unity
  • Android
  • Complete game
  • Google Play Store
  • Boids & flocking behaviours

A Fun Prototype

When I learned about boids and flocking behaviour, I made a quick "game" to try them. I thought about cavaliers (that you lead with the pointer) charging soldiers, both group could be a flock. There were no scoring system or goal, but the small game was actually fun even without any 3D models or effects (I was using geometric shapes). I thought it could be a great base for a game, so I started improving it.

BQA Caspule


Squad of soldiers (both allies and ennemies) and the cavaliers the player controls are boids. I used the common boids alghorithme without too many modifications. I used 4 rules : Alignement, Cohesion, Target, Separation for most of them. Cavaliers also have an Obstacle avoidance rule, that tells them to move around an obstacle even if the player commands them to go there.

BQA Caspule