Board Quizz Adventure

Small party game published on Steam.

It's perfect to be played while having a drink with friends. There are two teams, each team controls one of the two characters. The goal is to reach the village first. Fields and forests blocks the way, to clear the path you have to answer a question.

Key points

  • Complete game
  • Published on Steam

BQA Caspule


I wanted this game to be accessible to everyone, much like a simple board game. So most of the game behave just like any question-based board game, but the video-game part makes it possible that the game be a race between the two teams, which would be hard to replicate with a board game. This makes that everyone gets what the game is about instantly, but the game feels fresh and new. Also, only one player per team controls the character and has to hold a controller, all other players play by answering the questions or finding a shorter path, which everyone can do.

BQA Caspule


I chose to make the tutorial as short as possible, even if it means not going in depth. Since it's ~1 minutes long, the player can just replay it a few times if he doesn't quite get it the first time. The main job of the tutorial is to help the owner of the game explain it to people that play for the first time, which is going to happen many times.

BQA Caspule

Map Mechanics

There are 6 types of maps : Basic, Moving Platforms, Sheeps, Crows, Wolves and Lumberjacks. The game always start by playing 3 basic maps, and then it plays 3 maps of a random type of map, and then 3 of another one and so on. The first of the 3 maps is always an introdution map to the mechanic, the second one is a bit more complex, and the last one push the mechanic even further. 3 maps of each kind at a time ensure that players gets to see new things, while letting them the time to improve their usage of the mechanic.

BQA Caspule

Teaching the mechanics

The map mechanics are not part of the tutorial. Instead the first first map they appear on is designed to help players understand how they work. For example on the first lumberjack map, the lumberjacks are on the easiest path (obvious even without knowing what they do), and when the player answers their question they get to see what lumberjacks do.