CNES Statisfaction App

An application displayed on a tablet near the exit of the CNES stand at the international Bourget air show 2017, to let visitors rate the stand.

Key points

  • Huge exposure
  • Android
  • Unity

"Feel Good"

Most visitors would rather visit other stands than spend time reviewing the stand they are in, so the app has to be as appealing as possible, otherwise very few people would spend the time to answer the questions. It's also the last thing they will do on this stand, so it has to feel good to use, so the visitor will leave the stand on a positive note.

To achieve this, I focused on making the application react to the user. When the user click a button, an animation and a sound effect are played. When the user drag an item, the item scales up or down etc. I also tried to make the animations and sound effects as organic as possible. Finally, the last button the user has to click plays a very rewarding sound, to make the user feels like he won/did good.

BQA Caspule